21 Dec 2023 Reading competition

Reading competition

Our Year 7 and Year 8 pupils took part in the "Si on lisait à voix haute" reading competition. This is a national reading aloud competition organised in France by the literary programme 'La Grande Librairie'.

The three classes of Year 7 and Year 8 are taking part in this wonderful project, the aim of which is to promote the pleasure of reading and the time for sharing that it affords.

Our pupils have all prepared a passage from a book of their choice. In November, they lent their voices to the words of an author, much to the delight of their classmates and French teachers. Ten students were then selected for the second stage.

A second session was held in each class over the last few weeks to decide between the ten finalists, under the attentive eyes of the members of the CFBL jury. The six finalists selected for the national competition have recorded their readings. The videos have now been submitted for the competition. Fingers crossed for the next stage!