06 Mar 2024 healthy relationshipsworkshop

Healthy Relationships Workshop

On Monday, Year 8 pupils attended a workshop on the topics of pornography dangers, healthy relationships, respect, and body shaming. Summarised below are the key points that were explored during this workshop.

Pornography Dangers:

  • Unrealistic Portrayals: Pornography often portrays unrealistic and exaggerated depictions of sex and bodies, which can create distorted expectations and body image issues in young people.

  • Consent and Coercion: Pornography frequently depicts non-consensual sex and harmful power dynamics, potentially normalising these behaviours and making it difficult to recognize unhealthy or abusive situations.

  • Emotional Impact: Excessive pornography use can lead to feelings of shame, isolation, anxiety, and difficulty forming healthy relationships.

Healthy Relationships:

  • Communication and Boundaries: Open and honest communication is crucial in building healthy relationships. Setting and respecting boundaries are essential for mutual respect and well-being.

  • Consent and Respect: Consent is fundamental in all relationships, and it's never okay to pressure or coerce someone into anything they're not comfortable with. Respecting each other's feelings, opinions, and choices is vital.

  • Equality and Support: Healthy relationships are built on equality and mutual support. Partners should feel empowered and encouraged by each other.


  • Empathy and Understanding: Respect involves treating others with empathy and understanding, even when you disagree. Consider their perspectives and try to see things from their point of view.

  • Kindness and Consideration: Respectful behaviour manifests in acts of kindness and consideration towards others. This includes avoiding hurtful words, gossip, and bullying.

  • Personal Boundaries: Respecting personal boundaries means accepting when someone says no and not pressuring them to do something they're uncomfortable with.

Body Shaming:

  • Negative Impact: Body shaming, whether directed at oneself or others, can have a devastating impact on self-esteem, body image, and mental health.

  • Celebrating Diversity: Everyone's body is unique and deserves to be celebrated. We should focus on our strengths and inner qualities rather than external appearances.

  • Challenging Negative Thoughts: Be aware of and challenge negative thoughts about your body or others' bodies. Surround yourself with positive influences and messages about body acceptance.

Family Discussion Tips:

  • Open Communication: Create a safe and open space for your child to ask questions and share their thoughts and feelings without judgment.

  • Active Listening: Listen actively and attentively to your child's concerns and validate their experiences.

  • Share Your Values: Discuss your family's values around respect, healthy relationships, and body image.

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Establish reasonable boundaries around technology use and internet access, parental controls, including pornography.

  • Seek Help: If you have concerns about your child's behaviour or well-being, don't hesitate to seek professional help from a therapist, counsellor, or school official.