Sylviane Uhring, parent at CFBL – her children are in 4ème | Year 9 and in CM2 | Year 6 -, started creating masks at the beginning of the pandemic following the AFNOR advices.
At the beginning the masks were for her family, then for her friends, then for the friends of her friends, … until more and more people were asking for it.
Sylviane spends one hour of her time to create a mask.
She got into sewing when she met a needlewoman in Louisville, United States.
She loves using recycling materials, being part of zero waste projects and protect the planet which is her leitmotiv.
She is now selling adult and child masks for 5£.
They are in cotton, double and ideally need to be washed at 50 degrees.
Contact her via her Instagram: LeChantDesCiseaux or by email :