07 Jun 2024 écologieMini COP

Mini COP

From 22 to 24 May 2024, the CFBL hosted the Mini COP, bringing together eco-representatives from AEFE schools in the UK and Ireland. This event was an opportunity for young people to become actively involved in sustainable development projects, while promoting intercultural exchanges.

The Mini COP began with presentations entitled "Let's remember together", recalling previous exchanges via Zoom and the trip to Dublin. The students were then introduced to the issues at stake at the Mini COP and took part in an interactive game on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

After an introductory session, the students headed to the Dôme, a nearby gymnasium, for a sports team-building activity that encouraged cohesion and collaboration between the participants. This activity created strong links between the eco-delegates of different nationalities. The day continued with a visit to the Camden district, giving the students a cultural perspective on London.

On Thursday 23 May, the students were divided into two groups: Group 1 visited the Western Riverside Waste Authority Recycling Facility, where they learned a great deal about waste management processes. Group 2 was given a talk by Victoire Radoux from Composite Recycling in Lausanne, focusing on fibreglass recycling. This was followed by an interactive game on sustainable development.

The afternoon was given over to working sessions between eco-delegates to draw up their sustainable development commitments, followed by a talk by Stéphane Alfaro.

On Friday 24 May, the eco-delegates met at 8.45am to finalise their commitments. At 12 noon, an official presentation of the eco-delegates' commitments took place in the presence of officials, marking the close of the COP.

The Mini COP was an enriching experience, offering young people the opportunity to get actively involved in environmental initiatives while strengthening links between their school communities. It will also benefit other AEFE schools around the world, as the charter of eco-delegate commitments produced during the Mini COP will be presented to all AEFE schools in November. We congratulate the eco-delegates on their commitment to the environment!