16 Apr 2020

Science activities

1 – “How to Make”

I highly recommend this new BBC 4 program. It involves designing, using different materials, looking at interesting objects and is great fun!

It also covers all the topics in the school science programme.


2 – The James Dyson challenges

Did you think that he only did vacuum cleaners and fans? Think again! JD F is offering you the opportunity to take on science and technology projects using the minimum amount of materials. Have fun trying this out!


3 – Folding @home

Do you want to feel useful? You can be! Take part in research in aid of combatting coronavirus, cancer and many other diseases. All this from your home and using your computer! This is all made possible thanks to the DMSU.


4 – Travel diary … from home

Travel from home: write a diary, it can be: strange, scientific or imaginary.

Maybe you have elves in your bathroom who have mathematical formulas to share with you or maybe you’re haunted by playful and ingenious ghosts or maybe they are sitting next to you on your couch discussing the weather with you.

Share your daily adventures with us from under your favourite chair ( is it your favourite chair? ) or from the hidden depths of your cupboard drawers and it’s invisible inhabitants. I’m talking a real travel diary!

Those wishing to share their travel diary with the rest of CFBL ( when it’s finished ) can publish it here… https://fr.calameo.com/

In these strange and exceptional times……

D. Berlan – Head of Sciences Department