On Thursday 7 March we will celebrate the traditional World Book Day at CFBL.
On this occasion, the libraries are organising a book swap. Students are invited to bring in a book to be donated to the CDI or BCD on Monday 26 February and exchange it for a ticket.
On Thursday 7 March, throughout the day, the libraries will be holding book exchange stands.
To leave with a book, students will have to give their ticket, so don't forget it on Thursday.
For children from PSM to CE1, please specify the child's first name on the donated book.
Primary and Nursery children are also invited to dress up on that day. You can visit the World Book Day website to find ideas for dressing up.
Don't forget to download your child's £1 book token. These tokens entitle your child to one free book from the World Book Day selection at participating bookshops.