25 Sep 2024 CREST Bronze AwardArtSTEAMscience

Exciting Opportunity: CREST Bronze Awards Pilot Program at CFBL

CFBL is delighted to announce that our Art Teacher and STEAM Coordinator, Jenny Lok, will be leading the CREST Bronze Awards, an exciting opportunity designed for students aged 11 and above to explore the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEAM) through hands-on projects.

What is the CREST Bronze Award?

The CREST Bronze Award is a ten-hour project that serves as an excellent introduction to STEM project work. During this program, students will work in teams to design their own investigation, record their findings, and reflect on what they’ve learned. This process not only gives students a taste of what it's like to be a scientist or engineer in the real world but also fosters curiosity, develops problem-solving skills, and encourages independent learning—key attributes that are invaluable both in academic settings and in future careers.

Benefits of Participating:

Fosters Curiosity: Students are encouraged to ask questions, explore different possibilities, and engage with the world around them in a scientific manner.

Develops Problem-Solving Skills: By designing their own investigations, students learn how to approach problems creatively and critically.

Encourages Independent Learning: The Bronze Award provides a platform for students to take charge of their learning, an excellent opportunity to develop super-curricular activities that will stand out in future university applications and employment.

Real-World Experience: The project-based nature of the award offers a glimpse into the practical aspects of being a scientist or engineer, building a strong foundation for future studies and careers in STEM.

Project Requirements:

To earn the CREST Bronze Award, students need to spend at least 10 hours completing their project. They must keep a project log and take photographs to document their work, which will be used as evidence for assessment.

Generating Questions:

An essential part of the CREST Bronze Award is formulating an interesting and investigable question. To get you started, here are a few examples:

·       Which crisps are the crispiest?

·       What material makes the best parachute?

·       How does temperature affect the strength of a magnet?

Students can choose questions that pique their interest or come up with their own, using their curiosity as a guide to meaningful exploration.

If you or your child is interested in participating in this exciting opportunity, please come and see me for more details. I am here to guide you through the process and help you get started on this rewarding journey.

We believe this initiative will greatly benefit our students, and we encourage as many of them as possible to participate. It's an excellent way to enrich their learning experience and develop skills that will serve them well in the future.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to seeing the innovative projects our students create!