In response to the increase in risky behavior in the schoolyard, the Pastoral care team has implemented the Vigi-Recess plan. Presented in class by Ms. Batgi and Mr. Allègre, this plan reinforces essential rules of respect, particularly the "no touch" rule: students are not allowed to touch, push, or hit their classmates, even when playing. Sanctions will be applied in case of non-compliance. To ensure better supervision, an additional adult is now present during recess and lunchtime.
The student mediator program, active since the beginning of the school year, allows students to seek help in resolving conflicts. Peer mediation sessions are scheduled for next week.
Finally, as part of the anti-bullying initiative, a school mapping project is available at the "Vie Scolaire". It aims to identify areas perceived as safe or risky and will serve as a basis for discussion with CVC students to improve the school environment. This project is also conducted in collaboration with the primary school.
Primary school pupils also continue to receive training in clear messaging, a very simple technique for resolving conflicts and managing disruptive behaviour that can easily be used in the classroom from CE1 onwards. This technique consists of verbalising what we feel and, above all, what bothers us. By putting things into words, the pupils are guided towards a self-analysis of their feelings and emotions when faced with a situation they don't like. They then go up to the classmate whose attitude is bothering them to tell him or her how they feel and ask him or her to put things right.